AD01 has been designed to represent the basic allied legion for FOG but could be the base for most rule sets. The figures will all come from the Allied Legion packs and each unit will contain Command, weapons, standards and shields. There is a Triarii unit of 8 figures, a Principes unit of 16, a Hastati unit of 16 and a Velite/leves units of 8 figures. Total number of figures is therefore 48 and would have cost £73.50 Transfers are not included in this deal but can be added from the LBMS lists in the store. We can make minor changes to the make up of this deal, just ask to see if we can fulfil your request.Shields will be the AVS10 round pelt for velites/leves and the AVS12 Roman scutum for the heavy foot. The standard mix will be advancing Hasstati, standing Principes and Triarii, see options for a different mix.